Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome Baby Wes.

I had been having contractions for what seemed like weeks. I kept thinking each night was going to be the night... and each night i woke up in the morning thinking, what happened??? I thought that would be the night i got to meet you. But you had your own time in mind. I wasn't due until jan. 10th, but on Dec. 23rd we finally got to meet you.

I had a Dr. appointment at 9:30 that morning. I had been having contractions all week so i told Dad to come with me. We had all 6 of us int he car. On the way there I started feeling contractions in my back. They were coming every two minutes. Just like the previous nights. So we got to the Dr. and I went up there on my own. They sent me to labor and delivery, and I told your dad to take your brothers and sister to Grandma T's and Papa J's. Thank goodness they were home and available. We sat at the hospital for a long time. I was admitted there around 9:45am, they broke my water around noon, and we ended up having to start pitocin at 4 pm, and then FINALLY at 9 pm we meet you. And you were perfect. And we loved on you right away.

You're our caboose. You're our sweet baby. And you'll always be my baby. You don't know it now, but you have 3 older brothers and a sister who love you... a little too much! They were just as excited to meet you as me and dad were. You're almost three weeks old now and they still look at you with as much love, and wonder as they did the first time they met you.

Welcome to the world Baby Wes. I know there are great things in store for you. I know you'll be amazing.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He's beautiful, so is his mama. He's lucky to have all of you!