What's been said lately:
Matt is totally in LOVE with anything super hero. Dave and I rented Iron man the other night and he desperately wanted to watch it. Being that it's not for children we told him no, but said he could watch one part... the flying part. Matty sat there with sheer delight and as he was flying through the air matt looked over at David and said, "dad, my hairs are coming down!" (he was getting goose bumps from watching it!) Then I told him that daddy was Iron Man and was so happy he could hardly stand it.
Then, today I was editing some pictures of the cutest little asian boy and Matty comes in and says, "oh, cute, look, it's me when I was little." I say, "No it's not!" while laughing.... and matty then says, "yeah it is mom, see this hair on my head.. it's not brown, it's black!" SOrry... didn't know bud!
Then, today I was out of peanut butter and we had to leave for school in 30 minutes, so I called my friend holly to see if she could make an extra sandwich for Jack. She was so kind and said yes, and stuck it in his backpack when she got there. Well, i went to go pick him up and his teacher told me that he was missing his sandwich today. I had already talked to Holly and knew that it was in his back pack, but he just didn't see it... so his teacher ran up stairs and "grab him some stuff to eat..." haha.. so I asked jack if he had a good lunch today and he said, " YES! I loved it. I had gold fish, bear crackers, and m&m's." No wonder the kid loved it!
Nate, well Nate hasn't said the funniest stuff. He's really developed recently his vocabulary. It's been fun, but right now he's so obsessed with his brothers that each and every night, with out fail I know that I"ll find him after I put them all down in his brothers room with his pillow and blanket sleeping. It's pretty cute.
And it's official... charlie's hair is starting to get wavy! And she LOVES her brothers.